Tuesday, April 16, 2013

33rd Street: June 2001-April 2013

We left our little bungalow behind last weekend, moving the last remaining items out as our excited buyer began spackling, painting, and making plans for her new abode. 

This was the first house we ever bought, the one whose mortgage we were promised we'd "grow into," as we dumped our change jars and counted every penny.  It's the house with dear neighbors, our amazing Apello pine tree, the yard where fairies fluorished, and rooms which welcomed us, newly married, and our babies. 

We're between houses until wood floors are installed in The New House and kitchen cupboards are painted.  Meanwhile, we've established temporary residence at my parents' house. 

The new house is still The New House.  Soon it will feel like Our Home--but not yet.  Now empty and echo-y, it waits for us to fill spaces and establish new routines, acquaint ourselves with neighbors, and create comfort. 

The girls said their own goodbyes to our beloved home and gardens; their tributes will be featured in a longer, forthcoming post. 

Farewell, sweet habitat. 


aitchpea said...

Bye-bye beautiful home...

Marisa Reichardt said...

I still get misty when I think about our tiny 1-bedroom on the walk street that we had to vacate when baby arrived. But our new home has been filled with so much more. Onward and upward.

Kris said...

Jenny, any emotions from the kiddos? Were they sad or excited? I am so happy for you. Now stay put so I can plan my life! haha