Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dear Santa II

This is probably Santa Letter Version 3.0. As with iTunes updates, the most recent missive seems to arrive before we've fully translated the previous one.

In this correspondence written on behalf of her sister, Daughter #1 reports that her sis is requesting a "Sindrely toy and a BrB" (Cinderella toy and a Barbie). "[Her little sister] has ben good thsa yer me too," she adds persuasively.

This is the little sister who asked me to call Santa on the phone in lieu of requiring her to sit on his lap. "I don't have his number," I replied.

"Mom," my two-year-old sighed, "He's the one with a red shirt!"

1 comment:

Kate said...

Those are so cute. Santa is keeping the one she wrote for Jack. :-)