Monday, December 31, 2018


New Year's Eve is resolution-, family action plan-, and intention-making time but I'm thinking about what I learned and put into practice this past year, and am curious about what others would identify as epiphanies of 2018 as well.

As with so many years, memes and images of kicking 2018 to the curb are filling my feed, and not without cause, with illness, loss, tragedy, disasters, and injustice plaguing those we know and love and others we nevertheless care deeply about.

I'm grateful to myself for following my instincts in 2018 and making a significant career change from high school to elementary school administration.  I spent the summer mourning my workplace of 18 years and relearned that while I often welcome change and transition, I do not flow through it without turbulence.  Despite some self doubt and fear of failure, I trusted, though, that I was right about the need for evolution, renewal, recharge, and a fresh opportunity, and there have been numerous times this fall and winter when I've actively thanked myself and those who opened this door for me.

My family is benefiting from my less-fettered mind and schedule, as I marvel at what my kindergartener and I am learning (together!) and that I can focus attention on a few high schoolers and middle schoolers versus hundreds.

It feels like a tremendous privilege to be leading a school and learning so much at the same time at this point in my career.  It feels like I knew the right thing was not to take what most would predict as the logical next step--climbing a higher rung on a career ladder--but to venture out on a different limb of a familiar tree.  I am proud of myself for taking a less conventional path, and for knowing when to do it.

I expect that 2019 will be a lot about digging deeper into this new challenge and opportunity, while enjoying the fruits from seeds planted in 2018.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Betsy M said...

It’s been awhile since I’ve read your blog Jenny. Great way to start off the New Year. Wishing you and your beautiful busy family a fabulous 2019, ❤️ Betsy M