Sunday, March 30, 2014

Two Thirds

She's eight months old today, a whole two-thirds of a year, our Tootsie. Every day we get to know her a little better and come to the same conclusion:  she's a happy, happy baby.  In this photo you get a glimpse of her two new bottom (sharp!) teeth, her drool, her expressive eyebrows, and her devilish grin.  She can swivel herself around in a circle, and is starting to rock on all fours.   Crawling can't be far off.

So far her favorite foods are hummus, black beans, and Mammom's salmon.  And Baby Mum Mums as an appetizer.  She thinks she's hot stuff when she holds and drinks from a cup or water bottle.  She's still sleeping, for the most part, right between her mom and dad.

At soccer games (and she's been to many in her short life), she loves to be passed around among the players.  She knows how to relax in the jacuzzi. Dogs crack her up.  She's grabby, gummy, game, and amiable.  As Husband likes to say, "How did we ever get so lucky?"


Kate said...

Love her!

Katie Smith said...

Have you ever read "A Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket? She reminds me of the incredibly clever and resourceful baby with two sharp teeth in those books.

Katie Smith said...

Have you ever read Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events"? She reminds me of the incredibly clever and resourceful baby with two sharp teeth in those books.

Pretty special little girl.